Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Argentina - Day 3

Day 3 of CakeFest. More photos from the trip to the University.

Open only in Argentina. Coming
soon to a theater near you.

Broken bottles on the wall. Claudia says this is
common way to make a cheap security fence.


The first thatched roof I've ever seen.




This is the bar across the street where I get

loaded with caffeine every morning.

So far during the trip we've had:

  • One 48 hour flight delay.
  • One guy charged 300% more than quoted for his room.
  • Someone's room was not held for them.
  • One guy's dog broke it's back.
  • One passport lost.
  • One pickpocketing.
  • One laptop stolen.
  • One backpack left in a cab.
  • Many people overcharged by shady cab drivers, with one somewhat serious incident.
  • One call for the ambulance (that's me).

Except for the first four things, all of these were completely avoidable (even for me). So Argentina isn't the safest place, but it is not bad if you're careful and think.

I've also been told that most cops can be bribed for about 50 pesos (about 20 USD), and have been taught how to breach the subject.

After the conference we walked down to a square with a lot of restaurants and frequented both by tourists and locals. As is I walked around one city block. This is just some of the graffiti I saw.


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Next 15 of us headed over to a very, very nice restaurant near the Four Seasons.


The Four Seasons.


Not the Four Seasons.


Outside the Restaurant

I ate the biggest filet minion of my life. Mike: I thought of you. I think it was 400 grams (about 14 ounces).


Then back to the Mariano's for another few hours of sleep. I'm having fun, but I'm anxious for the conference to end so I can get some sleep!

(This is posted late because my Internet has been limited. We have a room full of geeks with almost no Internet connection. There has been some unrest.)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Air Conditioner - RIP

Today my air conditioner died a quick and sudden death. It was 42 years old.

The air conditioner has faithfully cooled many families over the years. Installed when the house was built, it has been a critical part of the history of that structure. It had been suffering a steady decline for the past 5 years, finally succumbing to old age.

The air conditioner is survived by a furnace, age 12, and a tankless water heater, age 6.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today's weather...

Today's forecast is for perfectly clear skies. Unless you live in Worthington (where I'm at)...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Holy Roller

See nationally known motorcross jumper Todd Bennick Jump our Church buses AND watch as the "Holy Roller" Monster Truck crushes several cards under its huge tires!
That was the headline for an event last week at the High Street Baptist Church, less than a mile from my home. I didn't notice the advert until after the fact. Looks like I missed out. Maybe next year.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Babby Robins at Fort Hill Men's Retreat

I just got back from the Fort Hill Men's retreat a copule of hours ago. Although it would have been great if more guys had come, I still learned a whole lot. And it was my first over-night night at the Fort. It wasn't nearly as scary as it was made to sound. Though I also got to sleep in the Cook's cabin.

We held most of our sessions at the shelter. In the corner of the rafters was a nest of baby robins. After stacking a couple of pieces rickety furniture, I was finally high enough to get the photos. Their pretty creepy looking. But cool, too.

For more photos, click on the picture.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wild, Unfriendly West Virginia

I'm in Wheeling visiting with my father. We were meeting for dinner at Hoss' Restaurant and I arrived a little earlier than him, so I decided to sit outside and say hello to everyone that walked by.

Both the people I saw over age 60 smiled and said hello back. But without exception, nearly a dozen people younger than 60 completely ignored me. They looked straight ahead, stone faced, with absolutely no acknowledgement of my presence. 

Maybe the same would happen in Columbus. Maybe not. Even though I grew up in Wheeling, maybe the place you live now always seems more friendly than everywhere else. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


While fixing a salad tonight, I found a black down feather in the middle of a head of romaine lettuce. This is a very confusing thing to find in your lettuce.